An agent par excellence!
Leroy is more of a friend to me than an agent. When we decided to sell our property, there was no other names that came in our mind other than Leroy. It wasn’t because we didn’t have anyone else but on the contrary we took a qualified and professional decision based on straight facts. Leroy managed our property for last year and a half and the service we offered was sincere with no hidden agendas. Leroy realestate is a boutique shop and he brings in a personalised touch to everything. We felt at home doing business through Leroy. I would rate Leroy Realestate to be a 5-Star firm and highly recommend you to engage Leroy for any of your realestate needs. We thank Leroy for all help provided and making our 2020 happier.
Review submitted by Bobby Philips (Vendor) on 14 Nov 2020